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Accredited with The Counselling Society. 

In house counsellor for Frontier Developments, Cambridge.

Affiliate counsellor for EAP Health Assured ltd. 

Affiliate counsellor with BetterHelp. 

Is therapy right for me?

Seeking out therapy is an individual choice. There are many reasons why people choose to have therapy. Sometimes they want to deal with long-standing psychological issues, or problems with anxiety or depression. Other times it’s in response to unexpected life changes, such as a divorce or work transitions. Many seek the advice and counsel as they pursue personal exploration and growth. Working with a therapist can help provide insight, support, and new strategies for all types of life challenges. Therapy can help address many types of issues including depression, anxiety, body-image issues, conflict, grief, stress management and general life transitions. Therapy is right for anyone who is interested in getting more out of life by taking responsibility, creating greater self-awareness, and working towards change.


What is therapy like?

Every therapy session is unique and caters to an individual and their specific goals. It is standard for therapists to discuss the primary issues and concerns in your life during therapy sessions. Therapy can be short-term, focusing on a specific issue, or longer-term, addressing deeper complex issues.  There may be times when you are asked to take certain actions outside of the therapy sessions, such as reading a relevant book or keeping records to track certain behaviours. It is important to process what has been discussed and integrate it into your life between sessions. For therapy to be most effective its helpful to be an active participant, both during and between the sessions, willing to take responsibility for your actions, to work towards self-change and create greater awareness in your life. Here are some things you can expect out of therapy:

  • Real strategies for enacting positive change

  • Self-compassion, respect and understanding

  • Perspectives to illuminate negative patterns & feelings

  • Effective and proven techniques along with practical guidance 

  • Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values

  • Developing skills for improving your relationships

  • Finding resolution to the issues or concerns that led you to seek therapy

  • Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety

  • Better management of powerful emotions such as anger, grief and depression

  • Improving communications and listening skills

  • Changing old behaviour patterns and developing new ones

  • Discovering new ways to solve problems in your family or marriage

  • Improving your self-esteem and boosting self-confidence

I wasn't always a therapist. 

I did 4 years in the Cambridge school of Art in 1978-82. I exhibited internationally and got involved in many creative projects. I then went on to have 4 children all now adults.

I retrained in Hypnotherapy, then Psychotherapy and Counselling in 2005. I have been in private practise full time since then.

I still paint two days a week, I completed an MA in Fine Art in 2021. I believe my creativity makes me an intuitive practitioner. 



Current recommended reading.

Lost connections by Johann Hari.

Quiet, the power of introverts a world that can't stop talking by Susan Cain. 

Will I ever be good enough by Karyl Mcbride.

When the body says No by Gabor Mate

Conversations on love by Natasha Lunn

Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft

Training the mind, Healing the body by Deepak Chopra

Stutz film on Netflix

Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board

 Status anxiety by Alain de Botton peer support groups 

I am a strange loop by Douglas Hofstadter

Working hours.

​Monday 3-6

Tuesday 9-2, 3-6

Wednesday 9-2, 3-6

Thursday 9-2, 3-6

Friday 9-1, 2-6

Saturday 9-12






07834 871 083

© 2013 by Katy Bailey

All rights reserved.

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